Thursday, 10 November 2016

Engaging Europe's Young People in what to do next

It is an undeniable fact that the future belongs to the young people. Also Europe's future. Therefore, it is very positive - to take a concrete example -  that the large majority of young voters were and are in favour of Britain remaining in the EU.   But the problem often is that the young generation is not very active in elections.  Initiatives must be taken to involve them directly in the development of Europe.

There are at least 4 very interesting and promising initiatives on the table right now:

1. European Youth Event - a big conference of 700 young Europeans in May 2016 and again
    in February 2017

2. President Juncker's initiative for a "European Solidarity Corps"

3. The initiative ALLIANCE 4 YOUth  - engaging business in finding jobs for young people

4. The European Parliament proposal to give a free Interail card to all 18 year old Europeans
    as a birthday present  - to make them know Europe.

All four initiative should be strongly supported and promoted.