Monday, 27 February 2017


It is a simple fact beyond all modern alternative facts that Europe's open single market with more than 500 million people makes us all richer.  Every day. Every year. It is logic for beginners. Border controls cost money. Paper work costs money. Delays cost money. The need to have products and services agreed in each country instead of once and for all for all countries costs money. Actually, it's amazing that some people waste their time saying the opposite! 

A new report from the Danish ministry for Business says that in the case of Denmark the EU single market increases the GNP with 5 % every year, and that it gives each family in avarage 65.000 ( 8.700 € ) more income per year.  The situation is probably the same in most EU countries.

But this does not mean that all is good. There is still a lot to do - and to gain - from more improvements in the European single market.  Take digital service. Take financial services. Take energy services.

So, dear politicians - get going. Move on.  Do not get disturbed by noicy uninformed and populist forces. Move ahead, so we all can enjoy many more of the low-hanging fruits in working closely together in Europe!

Saturday, 25 February 2017

DEMOCRACY WATCH - POLAND and HUNGARY on a very wrong track

European Union is based on a number of very clear values. It is said clearly in the Treaties. Press freedom. Democratic institutions. All member states, also Poland and Hungary, have signed these treaties. This means that they, of course, are obliged to follow what they have signed.  Still Poland is playing around with the media. The independent watchdog, Reporters Without Borders, have just put Poland 29 steps down in their index on free press. 

Hungary is also breaking EU basic rules in several areas - such as making life very difficult for free civil society organisations.

This is not acceptable in the European Union. And their governments say that they are free to do what they want to do.  No, no, no. They have to follow, what they have signed.

Both countries, esp. Orban in Hungary, have made it clear that they primarily are in the EU for the sake of the money!

Perhaps they should be more careful. This year the negotiations on the future of EU's funds will start.  It is written nowhere, that member states which brake fundamental rules, will continue to get billions of € from the funds.   The Italian government has already made that clear. 

So watch out!  You are on a very wrong track, which at the end might cost you a lot!

Friday, 24 February 2017


Ukraine with its 45 mill. inhabitants is a direct neighbour and a close partner of the EU. Therefore, 27 member states of the EU have already ratified the association agreement with the country. Only the Netherlands still has to ratify.  Yesterday the Dutch Lower House of Parliament agreed to ratification by 89 votes out of 150 members. The Upper House, the Senate, will vote very soon and it expected to agree too.
This means that the agreement can come into force very soon.  This is of great importance politically, economically and in many other ways.  For everybody. Perhaps except for Russia, which has been fighting against the agreement. This is one more reason to get into force quickly. And to develop the close cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in the months and years to come.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Fight populist politicians everywhere !

I fully agree with Amnesty International saying:

Whether it is Trump, Orban, Erdoğan or Duterte, more and more politicians calling themselves anti-establishment are wielding a toxic agenda that hounds, scapegoats and dehumanizes entire groups of people.